SIX TO BLISS: the Sasha edition

Who: Sasha Esquerra
Where: Sunny South Florida
What: Fabulous and super stylish mom + blogger of Everything Fabulous 

(I asked for her secrets to how she stays so fabulous and I was lucky to get more than I asked for...)

Six to Bliss that are actually nine..! The fabulous Ashlina asked me write 6 secrets to Bliss..but when I finally started putting together the post..I could not stop at 6..and then I could take out any apologies!

I use trays display my perfume organize the kitchen sink...or the everyday cooking seasoning! I use from vintage silver trays to little plates..anything that would allow me to organize and tidy display a small vignette! Plus you always have room for a little flower vase!

Love anchoring a room with a blanket! In winter I take out the winter blanket in rich browns faux blankets..and in spring/summer I might even use a pashmina as a nice touch of color!!

ohh Flowers...I can't go without flowers in the house! Love having fun with it and placing little bouquets in unexpected places...Sometimes I'll go with a big centerpiece and then the next week I would just do a collage of vintage silver vases! I usually tend to keep it simple it's either one type of flower..or one color per set! There is no such thing as to many flowers for them!

I am so in love with my blue & white collection!! Such a classic touch! I am even learning how to incorporate into my tablescapes...!

Another thing I can't live without...books! I love reading as many books as I can (use to be 3 or 4 a week...motherhood had given me the gist of enjoying maybe one per month...!) I think they create such a cozy ambiance in a house...! I usually try to color code the books in the shelves...they seem more organized! To decor I loove antique books...!

Ok here is where I allow my imagination to go wild..! Love having fun with the decor of the coffee tables! I am usually changing it every week...take a vase here, put it there..change a book collection..put magazines...! Books, flowers and candles (the ones I make using vintage silver vases or old china)are what I tend to use the most!

Love creating different vignettes with my apothecary jars...! And when it's party time love filling them with yummy candy!! You can have so much fun with what you put in them..! I am currently keeping a collection of all the corks of the wines we drink..!

Love paintings..from a painter or from my kids (this are truly my favourite..!). I like displaying pictures but usually in a corridor,etc...for the rest of the house love big paintings!! My secret for great art is to find an up and coming artist and share some pictures of the type of art you are looking ( they need a little bit more guidance at the beginning..) and then!!! At the end there is never wrong art...! When it comes to framing I either leave it on the canvas or just put a very simple frame!! For my kids art I just use frames from Wal-Mart that I spray paint...!!

And last but not least..J'adore tablescapes..! I never use paper plates...only for my kids birthday party (but I really need to train myself for it before). Everyday I try to use a simple tablecloth (love love the ones from Anthropology) and for special occasions I usually end up with a white tablecloth and then play around with different plates,etc! Sitting at the table at the end of the day..or even for breakfast is one of the biggest pleasures in my life...and by setting a nice table (even though we might be eating sandwiches that day..) I feel I am conveying that message to my kids "us at the table is something special!".

Thank you Ashlina so much for asking me to contribute to you Bliss series..!! It really has been such a joy working with you on this!! and thank you for your patient...!! I really hope you and your readers like it!!


{Images via 1. Flickr & Lonny Magazine Lonny Magazine, Martha Stewart & Veranda 2.House Beautiful 3.Everything Fabulous tumblr 4. Absolutely Beautiful Things 5.Elle Decor, Absolutely Beautiful things and Flickr 6.House Beautiful 7.Flickr 8.Elle Decor & Absolutely Beautiful Things 9.Absolutly Beautiful Things, Sunday Suppers and Martha Stewart}