10 things that rocked my world this week! june 4

1. "you must be true to your own heart, or you will never be happy" ---I have to always be honest with myself. If I wasn't driving myself mad by over working (see above) and too much decorating, I wouldn't be fulfilled.
Other people may try to tell you how you should be...but you should always BE YOU! 

 2. Berry colors make me happy. I also love super textured fabrics. Delicious! 
 3. As I pointed out earlier this week, busts are my favorite right now. So sophisticated and gorgeous. I couldn't possibly go another day without one. 
 4. Love this Beatles song. Love is all you need. Am I right?
 5. The Kardashians store Dash, has the coolest mirrored mannequins in the window. I am kind of obsessed with them. I once went to this bar called "the box" and saw a man in a mirrored suit like this. Super ridiculously cool. 
 6. Oh, Sabon (the soap store) is just decadently indulgent. I love they way the scrub makes my skin feel. Supple, soft and silky. Heaven in a store.
 7. I feel like I am finally a New Yorker...I got robbed (don't ask, way long story). I ended up at a police precinct to file a report. I have never experienced a police precinct before, I felt so CSI...kinda cool.
 8. There is this store on the UWS that has all kinds of "Pretty Woman", 90's type of clothes. I just love their windows. Especially with this fabulous chair and uber chic woman, she has got such swagger! 
 9. Marbelized turquoise ceramic. Definitely!
 10. I have a serious weakness for wood, modern and really uncomfortable looking masculine chairs. Gawsh they are good. I just want to put them somewhere fun.