10 things that rocked my world this week...HURRICANE SANDY edition

1. Preparing for this weeks hurricane was a full on event. The grocery store lines were like concerts and the shelves were empty like food was the latest Apple product. Something about it was kind of exciting. I ended up shacking up in this beautiful apartment in the west village with one of my besties...

2. Deb and I had the best time. We had lots of time to kill and waiting for the storm made us a little stir crazy. So, we listened to music on full blast (my favorite), played board games, watched football, and made about a thousand and one cupcakes. Baking always makes me feel more calm. It was fun.
3. I really loved that this hurricane really made me appreciate candles and how beautiful candlelight is. Living by candlelight is like on a whole nother level... (thanks for the pic michelle)
4. I also really got to appreciate sunlight and how wonderful it is. The beautiful sunlight poured in the morning and made waking up THAT much better after a night of candlelight. 
5. What else is there to do while stuck indoors but shop on the net, right? j/k However, my friend Mariska Meijers showed her incredibly awesome new fur piece from IKEA that she threw on her chair and I realized that I must get this in my life immediately. Will help keep me warm as this weather continues to get colder and colder. 
 6. The streets were really in disarray after the storm and the city was unlike anything I have ever experienced. Thanks to @thedoorsofnewyork this gorgeous neon door was captured...(see the leaves).
7. The storm took out everything under about 28th street. So I ventured out to see the streets down there and was blown away by these signs I spotted all over town. Love when people spread the good word...
8. It was amazing how packed restaurants and bars were during the aftermath. As we were walking down, we walked by this amazing little spot Qi, with these cocktail tables. My little decorista heart skipped a few beats. I fell so in love. 
9. On my way back home I then saw this by my doorstep. The amount of hope and encouragement on the streets has just been so incredible. I love how amazing New York City is during any kind of crisis. There is just NO city like NY city. 
10. The best part of the week...getting together with girls from Church (hello Hillsong NYC) to strategize and plan how we can help, donate and volunteer for those in our city who need us!